We are proud of our 1,000+ partners in Education, Health, Public Safety, Basic Needs and Family Support, Resettlement, Business and Commerce, Policy and Advocacy, Career and Workforce Services, Youth Development, Volunteer Training, Affordable Housing, Economic Development, Consumer Information, the Financial Sector, Government, Civic Groups, Community-based Entities, and the Private Sector.

Families and individuals with low income have poorer health outcomes. They are at a greater risk for a variety of diseases, at greater risk of homelessness, and often live shorter lifespans.

Therefore, Lao Family focuses extensive attention on removing barriers to securing income support, federal public benefits, earned income tax credits, income tax refunds, access to Second Chance bank account products, accessing housing due to blemished credit and less than the required income ratios that landlords look for, removing obstacles to accessing healthcare service and insurance, good jobs with career ladders and benefits, skills training and education programs, and meeting their basic needs through free and low-cost sources from clothing, household goods, food, utility benefits and transportation supports.

LFCD uses the highest industry standards, best practices, and structures to guide and support families as part of our full-service case management service to help them achieve the necessary outcomes and sustainable self-sufficiency within our 6-month, 12-month, 24-month, and 36-month pathways.


Lao Family Standards and Structures //


Quality Individualized Programs, Services and Support //



For 40+ years, Lao Family has provided quality, high-performing, year-round educational, summer jobs, and career programs for Oakland’s youth. Lao Family serves over 300+ youth every year. We are proud that 80% to 100% of our youth graduate from high school and 70% to 90% enter post-secondary education at community colleges and 4-year universities.

Our Main Programs and Services  /

This new venue will offer multiple programs and co-located partners. The main offerings include /


Lao Family Youth Program Standards //


Populations We Serve //

Lao Family specializes in serving diverse inner-city in-school and out-of-school youth and young adults (16 to 27 years old) from the following backgrounds: newly arrived refugees, long-term refugees, recent immigrants, limited English populations, public housing residents, pregnant teens, homeless/foster care, youth with disabilities, and has deficiencies in basic literacy and numeracy skills.


Career Opportunities at Lao Family /

See our organization’s current job and career opportunities list on our Join Us page.



Oakland Unified School District, San Juan Unified School District, Peralta Community College and Contra Costa Community College Districts, Contra Costa Office of Education, Contra Costa Health Department, United Way Bay Area and Sacramento Capital Region, Counties of Contra Costa/Sacramento District Attorneys’ Offices, Sacramento and Alameda Counties’ Food Banks, International Rescue Committee, World Relief, Opening Doors, Highland Community Charter School, Hack the Hood, Oakland Private Industry Council

My Sister’s House, WEAVE, Contra Costa and Alameda Family Justice Centers, Cal Inc. Training, East Bay Refugee Forum, California Reinvestment Coalition, Consumer Action, Asian Pacific Chamber/Richmond/Oakland/Sacramento/ Oakland Chambers of Commerce, ICIC, BART, Port of Oakland, City of Oakland, Peralta Hacienda Historical Park, Alameda County Probation/Social Service/Public Health Departments, Oakland Main Library, Community School for Creative Education, San Pablo Economic Development Corporation, New Costa, Alameda, and Sacramento, Sacramento Employment Training Agency, Sacramento Department of Human Assistance, United States Committee on Refugees and Immigrants, Federal Health and Human Service, California Office of Emergency Services, Alameda/Contra Horizons, CHAA, Asian Community Health, Asian Health Services, K-12 Adult Schools Contra Costa, First Five Centers, Bananas, CCC Childcare Council, Semifreddi’s, Galaxy Dessert, Snapp & Associates, State Beneficial Bank, Sierra Health Foundation

Bank of America Foundation, Clearinghouse CDFI, California Statewide Corporation, Chase, SAFE Foundation, California State Park, Equity Community Builders, JRDV, vocational training providers, nonprofit partners public and government partners, banking and legal partners, employers, foundations, policy and advocacy groups, neighborhood safety councils, civic groups, local and community leaders, community-based agencies, faith-based groups, etc.




4 Locations in OAKLAND , 5 Locations in SACRAMENTO, 3 Locations in SAN PABLO, and 4 Casitas.

OTHER services