Lao Family proudly offers an extensive menu of over 50 programs and services in more than 35 languages, partnering with over 13 government, nonprofit, and private foundation organizations.
In 2024, we successfully delivered impactful services to over 31,000 low-income individuals from more than 40 ethnic groups.
With a robust operating budget of $35 million for 2025, we will operate across our 20 locations in four counties and are supported by a dedicated team of 150 full-time employees. Together, we are committed to our mission of advancing the health and well-being of California’s diverse communities in need.
South Sacramento :
7171 Bowling Drive, Suite 1120Sacramento, CA 95823
T // (916) 393-7501
F // (916) 393-7574
AJCC One-Stop, Refugee Employment, CalWORKs LEP, Victim Assistance Program, SMUD Energy Assistance for Low-Income Households, Certified Nurse Assistant, Medical Assistant, Medical Billing, Community Healthcare Worker, Healthcare Cyber Security—in partnership with Prevail Nursing Academy, Elk Grove Adult School, City of Sacramento, and the California Employment Development Department/ETPL, California Department of Managed Healthcare—Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), Health Promotion and Navigation Program, Computer Lab, DOL/SETA/AJCC Job Center, and Supportive Services for Families in Need of Housing.
CARE Community Center Hurley Way (North Sacramento):
3205 Hurley WaySacramento, CA 95864
T // (916) 359-2788
F // (916) 640-8899
Employment and Community Services for Disabled Populations, AJCC One-Stop Career Services for Youth and Adults, Refugee Employment and Resettlement and Placement Services, CalWORKs LEP, Victim Assistance Program and Joy of Living DV Housing, SMUD Energy Assistance for Low-Income Households, MHSA Prevention and Early Intervention Services, Health Promotion and Navigation Program, Highlands Community Charter and Technical Schools—ESL and High School for Adults; Early Childhood Daycare; Clothing Closet, CAIRS Immigration Legal Services, Community Housing Board, Homeless to Transitional to Permanent Housing, and Navy Sea Cadet Corps Sacramento Division, Certified Nurse Assistant, Medical Assistant, Medical Billing, Community Healthcare Worker, Healthcare Cyber Security—in partnership with Prevail Nursing Academy, Elk Grove Adult School, City of Sacramento, and the California Employment Development Department/ETPL, California Department of Managed Healthcare—Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), Health Promotion and Navigation Program, Computer Lab, DOL/SETA/AJCC Job Center, and Supportive Services for Families in Need of Housing.
CARE Campus Sacramento (Downtown):
925 3rd StreetSacramento, CA 95814
T // (916) 287-0273
Services Offered:Certified Nurse Assistant, Medical Assistant, Medical Billing, Community Healthcare Worker, Healthcare Cyber Security—in partnership with Prevail Nursing Academy, Elk Grove Adult School, City of Sacramento, and the California Employment Development Department/ETPL, California Department of Managed Healthcare—Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), Health Promotion and Navigation Program, Computer Lab, DOL/SETA/AJCC Job Center, and Supportive Services for Families in Need of Housing.
CARE Casita Villages Sacramento (Housing Sites):
T // (833) 532-3674
Services Offered:Housing, Case Management, and Services for Our Families in Need—Access to these properties requires a referral from the Lao Family Case Management Programs.
For 40+ years, Lao Family has offered an extensive menu of quality specialized jobs, and career and employment programs. ...
Lao Family offers various services to local, small, medium and large employers and businesses. Main business offerings include ...
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